Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Collaborative Concept Map

Collaborative Concept Map
This is what I have so far for our collaborative concept maps.  I am still waiting for concept maps from Jeremiah and Ryan!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Individual Concept Map

Here is my lovely concept map about the in-class recycling project.
Remeber that all of our concept maps are going to link back to the big concept map, and the topic of recycling!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Individual Concept Map

Hey guys. This is my individual concept map. Hope it gives you guys some ideas.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hey guys.
So we decided that our project topic will be recycling.
This is exciting for me because I am really big on recycling and saving the environment. Over the weekend, I thought that it would also be cool if we could include something about composting (we compost where I live, and I think that it is a really great alternative to landfills, and it puts what is natural back into the earth!). 
If any research is involved in our project, I think that it would be neat to research the effects of burning garbage has on the environment versus the effects of throwing trash into a landfill.  Let me know what you think!