Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Special Education Booklet

Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania

Special Education Minor

To set high standards for all exceptional students in the Commonwealth receiving special education services and programs.
The Special Education minor is designed for students in Secondary Education, Elementary Education or Early Childhood Education, but can be valuable to other majors such as Social Work, Recreation and Psychology.  The minor is intended to provide students with a second area of expertise but does not lead to Special Education certification.

Contact Information:
Jeremiah Dunchack
(814) 933-7064

Foundations of Special Education
(3 s.h.)

In this course, the material addresses the definitions, characteristics, etiologies, educational and transitional needs of students with disabilities.  As well as the discussion of interventions and strategies for diverse learners and individuals with exceptional learning needs (ELN) through a life span approach.

SPEC 345
Literacy Skills for Students with Disabilities
(3 s.h.)

This course will address the needs of pre-service teachers who have the responsibility for literacy development and instruction for students with disabilities. Emphasis will be given to literacy components, evidence-based practices, and varying challenges students with disabilities have in learning to read and write.

SPEC 215
High Incidence Disabilities Support
(3 s.h.)

Students will have a comprehensive examination of individuals with mild disabilities (high incidence) and the accommodations/adaptations necessary for their success. Specifically addresses parameters of mild disabilities, theories of learning, learning styles, educational accommodations, instructional strategies, organizations that serve this population.

SPEC 309
Effective Instructional Strategies for Students with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings
(3 s.h.)

This course addresses the needs of pre-service teachers who share the responsibility of providing effective instruction to students with disabilities. Emphasis will be given to utilizing evidence based instructional practices for students with varying disabilities, creating a positive inclusive learning environment, collaborating and communicating with other school personnel and parents, and implementing positive behavioral interventions.

SPEC 338
Positive Behavior Supports
(3 s.h.)

P.B.S. is designed to examine the etiology, assessment practices, and intervention strategies espoused by various theoretical perspectives for individuals with mild, moderate, and severe emotional behavior disorders. Emphasis will be on the use of functional behavior assessment and various positive behavior support strategies that can be used in classrooms or related educational facilities.

SPEC 212
Low Incidence Disabilities Support
(3 s.h.)

L.I.D.S. examines the conceptual base, educational programming and curricular options for persons with moderate to severe disabilities. The relationship of sensori-motor development between classroom environments and adaptations will be examined in depth. Attention will be given to assessment, determination of goals, person-centered planning and the family-system approach.


Web quest Teacher

W:\web quest\t-sandwich.htm

Web quest

W:\web quest\s-sandwich.htm

Friday, December 3, 2010

Lesson Plan 2

I am almost done with lesson plan 2.  All I need is jeremiah's powerpoint. Please check it out.  The link is in my previous post.
Have a great weekend, everyone.  See you Tuesday morning.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Had Fun

Hey everyone it was fun working with all of you this semester. Also Thanks for helping me out when I needed it. DONT FORGET we're presenting to Dr. Hossain on Tuesday. Have a good weekend.

My Adjustments

Hey everyone I just made some adjustments to my website go check it out and tell me how it looks.
 My Website

Lesson Plan 2

I just want to let you all know that I am putting together a lesson plan 2.  I am still not sure if it is right, but I figure that it is better than nothing at all since Hossain's directions didn't offer much guidance.  I am making it on a webpage that will be linked to my webpage.  Here is the link: http://www.student.lhup.edu/mhepfer/collaborative_lesson_plan_2.htm
 I am not sure when it will be finished, though.  I will also put the link on the group website.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Final Post!

Hey guys. This will be my final post on the collabrative blog since it is due on Friday. I think that using this blog was a good way for us to communicate as a group. We were able to post all of our projects and see what everyone in the group was doing. I thought overall I blog turned out pretty nice. There were a lot of posts on here from the group members. Even though we met as a group often, we were still able to communicate over our blog. It was great working with all of you guys this past semester!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

MovieMaker Video Link

Here is the link to our video on YouTube.  Thank you all for pulling together to get it done this morning.  Jeremiah, I am sorry about the typo on your last name, I know how you feel, though.  People misspell my last name all the time. 
Don't forget to come Tuesday so we can get our Lesson Plan 2 put together. See you then!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Concept Map

Here is our FINAL concept map.  I highly suggest that you all save it as a .jpeg on your W: drive and link it to your website.  It turned out pretty well, I think.
I had to change a couple things from some of your original maps, but I tried to keep it as close as possible to the original.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hey everyone, Michelle and I are planning on meeting in the lab on Tuesday the 9th to start working on our collabrative podcast. Hope to see everyone there.

Also just a note. We NEED to meet to get our collabrative concept map squared away.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Poster Finished

Make Your Own Paper Poster

I have my poster done too. I don't have it posted to my website yet but that will probably done sometime later in the week. I do have it saved as a JPEG though. I'm going to post it at the very end of the post (although it is smaller than the actual poster). Also I'm glad that we are getting into the lab as well. I saw Mike today and saw Michelle last Thursday. Hope to see you guys a little more often. I've been getting there around 8:30 ish. Also just a note: Our collabrative concept map is due Nov. 12 along with our group podcast. We should all try to meet up to get it done. See ya guys soon.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Recycling Booklet

I finished my Booklet.  I only have it linked to my webpage.  I included the link if you would like to take a look at it.  If the link doesn't work, please let me know.  I am having problems viewing PDF files on the computer I am using. 

Team Project

Hey guys, just a reminder that your individual projects are due on Friday. I know I am doing the poster, Michelle is doing the booklet, Jeremiah is doing the powerpoint, and Mike is doing the newsletter. Hope you guys get to it soon. Let's try to post our work on here as well as our individual blog. This way it is easier to put all of this stuff together.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Hey guys.
I just wanted to remind you to get started on your piece of the group project.  I think that we should all post what our ideas are on this blog so we can give each other ideas.  We can all use the same elements in our individual parts so that it is a cohesive project.  Here is the link to the website that outlines the project. http://www.lhup.edu/phossain/fall2010/edtf200/unit04/unit04_01.htm#assignment

I have already started on the booklet about a recycling project.  All I have so far are steps to recycle and a few reasons on why we should recycle.  I will also include a section on the recycling paper project, a trip to a recycling center, as well as a section about how recycling helps the environment and human health.
Let me know if there is something you thought of that you think I should include.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Collaborative Concept Map

Collaborative Concept Map
This is what I have so far for our collaborative concept maps.  I am still waiting for concept maps from Jeremiah and Ryan!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Individual Concept Map

Here is my lovely concept map about the in-class recycling project.
Remeber that all of our concept maps are going to link back to the big concept map, and the topic of recycling!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Individual Concept Map

Hey guys. This is my individual concept map. Hope it gives you guys some ideas.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hey guys.
So we decided that our project topic will be recycling.
This is exciting for me because I am really big on recycling and saving the environment. Over the weekend, I thought that it would also be cool if we could include something about composting (we compost where I live, and I think that it is a really great alternative to landfills, and it puts what is natural back into the earth!). 
If any research is involved in our project, I think that it would be neat to research the effects of burning garbage has on the environment versus the effects of throwing trash into a landfill.  Let me know what you think!