Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Poster Finished

Make Your Own Paper Poster

I have my poster done too. I don't have it posted to my website yet but that will probably done sometime later in the week. I do have it saved as a JPEG though. I'm going to post it at the very end of the post (although it is smaller than the actual poster). Also I'm glad that we are getting into the lab as well. I saw Mike today and saw Michelle last Thursday. Hope to see you guys a little more often. I've been getting there around 8:30 ish. Also just a note: Our collabrative concept map is due Nov. 12 along with our group podcast. We should all try to meet up to get it done. See ya guys soon.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Recycling Booklet

I finished my Booklet.  I only have it linked to my webpage.  I included the link if you would like to take a look at it.  If the link doesn't work, please let me know.  I am having problems viewing PDF files on the computer I am using. 

Team Project

Hey guys, just a reminder that your individual projects are due on Friday. I know I am doing the poster, Michelle is doing the booklet, Jeremiah is doing the powerpoint, and Mike is doing the newsletter. Hope you guys get to it soon. Let's try to post our work on here as well as our individual blog. This way it is easier to put all of this stuff together.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Hey guys.
I just wanted to remind you to get started on your piece of the group project.  I think that we should all post what our ideas are on this blog so we can give each other ideas.  We can all use the same elements in our individual parts so that it is a cohesive project.  Here is the link to the website that outlines the project. http://www.lhup.edu/phossain/fall2010/edtf200/unit04/unit04_01.htm#assignment

I have already started on the booklet about a recycling project.  All I have so far are steps to recycle and a few reasons on why we should recycle.  I will also include a section on the recycling paper project, a trip to a recycling center, as well as a section about how recycling helps the environment and human health.
Let me know if there is something you thought of that you think I should include.